Sound Symphony Team
The show was created by Ellie, who is the Artistic Director of Oily Cart, who specialises in making sensory shows for and with D/deaf, disabled and Autistic young people of all ages. Greg is our Musical Director. He composed the music, with musicians Song and Shiori, and plays the cello in the show (as well as pulling off a rather spangly pair of gold leggings!).
The show was a real labour of love and took 4 years to make. It was inspired by the research of Dr Joe Wright into how Autistic young people relate to music and sound. Many of the ideas in the show came from the musicians collaborating with Autistic young people who were pupils at St Crispin’s school (Edinburgh) and St Andrews School (Aberdeenshire). We would like to thank all the pupils and teachers for their contribution, we couldn’t have done it without them.
- Performer and Co-Composer
- Sonia Allori
- Musical Director, Lead Composer and Performer
- Greg Sinclair
- Performer and Co-Composer
- Shiori Usui
- Performer
- George Panda
Director and Lead Artist | Ellie Griffiths |
Designer | Katy Wilson |
Movement Directors | Natasha Gilmore and Hannah Venet |
Dramaturg | Naomi O Kelly |
Associate Artist | Greta McMillan |
Sound Designer | Matt Padden |
Lighting Designer | Colin Grenfell |
Collaborating Artist/Researcher | Dr Joe Wright |
Stage Manager | Katy Steele |
Technical Stage Manager | Dave Bailey |
Production Managers | Grahame Coyle (2019), Gary Staerk (2022) & Dave Bailey (2022) |
Executive Director of Oily Cart | Zoë Lally |
Producer of Independent Arts Projects | Mhari Robinson |
Tours Producer of Oily Cart | Alison Garratt |
Communications Officer of Oily Cart | Elizabeth Lloyd-Owen |
Access & Engagement Officer of Oily Cart | Siobhán Wedgeworth |
Administrator of Oily Cart | Joanna Morley |
Audience Development & Marketing | Sally Wilson (2019) |
Assistant Producer | Andrew Jeffrey (2019) |
Access consultant | Coery Nicholson (2019) |
Evaluator | Max Alexander (2019) |
Interactive Website Developer | Callum Gamble - KreativeInc Agency |
Filmmaker for Interactive Resource | Minttu Mantynen |
Music Director for Interactive Resource | Greg Sinclair |
Performers for Interactive Resource | Sonia Allori, Jethro Flowerdew, George Panda, Coery Nicholson, Greg Sinclair, Robyn Steward & Shiori Usui |
Movement Director for Interactive Resource | Hannah Venet |
Sound Recordists for Interactive resource | Ali Murray & Pete Smith |